課程量身訂做 完美符合個人需要
加入TutorABC,真的能解決我所有的英文學習需求!比方我想加強字彙量,就會為我安排字彙課,而且外籍顧問會耐心教導每個單字不同的用法,也會鼓勵我多說多使用,這是一般補習班做不到的!TutorABC也會替我安排不同國家的顧問,上課不只是學習到世界各地口音和用法,就連文化也接觸到了!時間自由安排 從容兼顧工作家庭
TutorABC的另一個優點,就是課程時間非常自由。我在辦公室或在家都能學英文,讓我可以放心兼顧工作和家庭。而且兒子看到我學英文的樣子也躍躍欲試,於是我為小一的他報名了TutorABCJr英文課,現在他也能對著外籍顧問侃侃而談,無意中成為兒子的學習模範,是我很開心的一點!能力輕鬆維持 全英文環境免出國
360-degree video: https://youtu.be/4大鵬路市場一巷英文補習班推薦k2XDT0-vhI
Your shoulders and neck will gradually loosen up as you move your body while holding your smartphone and following the movements up, down, left, and right of the instructor, who is moving in 360-degree space and providing encouragement with enthusiastic instructions of "Up! Up! Yay! Down! Down!" to the rhythm of light music. The video will guide you with encouraging phrases such as "Nice stretch!" and "Good job!", and a sexy blonde woman will replace the instructor as you are drawn into this energetic environment. Before you know it, the stretching will be finished in just about two minutes overall. This is a fun and impactful video, but it offers serious stretching under expert direction. Supervising director Yoshihito Nagahata will also take the place of the instructor for a brief moment on screen, so please pay attention!
- About Yahoo! Smart Stretch 360, a smartphone video that relieves "text neck" caused by smartphone use
Source: Yahoo! JAPAN (as of June 10, 2016)
TOKYO, June 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- In commemoration of the 20th anniversary on April 1, 2016, since launching service, Yahoo Japan Corp. (Yahoo! JAPAN) is currently conducting various projects and campaigns. Yahoo! JAPAN has unveiled "Yahoo! Smart Stretch 360" as a new 20th-year project, the world's first (*1) attempt at a smartphone video that utilizes YouTube's 360-degree video feature enabling 360-degree viewing to relieve "text neck" caused by smartphone use.
Launch date: Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Promotion page: http://smartstretch360.yahoo.co.jp
Video URL: https://youtu.be/4k2XDT0-vhI
* To view 360-degree video, please use the latest YouTube app version for Android or iOS.
"How-to Video" URL: https://youtu.be/RxQ6M9ICNXk
Device requirements: iOS 7 or later, Android 4.0.0 or later.
* Some models may not be supported depending on the device.
Attention: Effects will vary according to the individual.
How to enjoy Yahoo! Smart Stretch 360, a smartphone video that relieves "text neck" from smartphone use
- Sit back in a chair and press your spine into the seat back.
- Center the instructor's face in the middle of the screen. Keep your feet still.
- Simply follow the video and move your body!
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